Bethel Blessings March 8 & 9
LENT AND EASTER WORSHIP SCHEDULE: Wednesday, March 19th Dinner at 5:00pm, Worship at 6:30pm; Wednesday, April 2nd Dinner at 5:00pm, Worship at 6:30pm; Palm Weekend April 12 & 13; Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, April 17 & 18 Holy Week Drama at 6:30pm; Easter Sunday, April 20th Worship at 8:00am & 9:30am, Easter Breakfast from 8:30am – 11:30am, Easter Egg Hunt at 9:15am.
LENTEN OFFERINGS: Bethel offerings this Lenten season will go to both Feed My Starving Children and Care for Kuffu. We have Lenten offering boxes available, or you can go online to the Bethel website at Go to the Giving tab at the top and click the green “Make A Gift” button. That will take you to the “Giving” page and under Fund you can choose “Lenten Offering”. Thank you for your support for these two missions.
BETHEL PHOTO DIRECTORY UPDATE: If you were unable to have your photo taken at church It’s NOT TOO LATE! We can still add you to the directory.
WEBSITE INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Everyone is invited to a meeting regarding Bethel’s website at 9:00am Saturday, March 15th at Bethel.
1ST COMMUNION INSTRUCTION CLASS: Sunday, March 16th from 10:45am – 12:30pm. See Pastor John or Bethany to register.
YOUTH AND FAMILY EVENT: Sunday, March 30th Youth and Family Bingo downstairs in the Youth room, all are invited. Starting at 10:45am there will be food and prizes!
NEW MEMBER CLASS: The New Member class will be on Sunday, April 6th OR Sunday, April 13th after the 9:30am service. It will be held in Pastor John’s office. The New Member Spaghetti Dinner will be on Saturday, April 26th at 6:30pm in the Christ Center. On Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th during the service you can be formally received into membership.
TRANSPORTATION HELP NEEDED: Bethel’s 2nd Family Ministry is looking for a few more good drivers to help support our growing transportation program. The tasks are very easy, usually just taking someone to church and then back home whenever you attend. There will be an occasional request to bring someone to a doctor’s appointment. The process works very smoothly as our Transportation Coordinator, Stephany Green, will process and fill out all transportation requests. We just need to let her know if you can support a specific request and she will contact the person requesting the support with specific pick-up times etc.
GOSPEL OF JOHN: Pastor Dan is leading a study on the Gospel of John that begins at 10:45am in the Faith Forum.
KINGDOM KIDS: Sunday School for children age 4 through 5th grade will meet downstairs. Children are dismissed from the worship service on Sunday around 9:45am with Bethany.
BETHEL BOOK CLUB: We will meet on Thursday, March 20th. The Book we are reading is “Go As A River” by Shelley Read.
CONNECTIONS GROUP: The next time we meet is Friday, March 14th at 6:30pm.
MEN’S MINISTRY BREAKFAST: We meet once a month at 7:45am in the Christ Center. The next time we are getting together is Saturday, March 15th.
SENIOR GROUP: We meet once a month for Potluck and other activities. We get together for food, fun, and fellowship. The next time we get together is Friday, March 21st. Contact Pastor Dan for more information at