The Whole Gospel
Sometimes we forget that the Good News of God's saving grace means is not only personal, but beckons us to remember the plight of others.
CHURCH PHOTO DIRECTORY COMING SOON!: Due to popular demand, we are creating a password protected ONLINE PHOTO DIRECTORY to help us connect and put names to faces. Photos will be taken free of charge, on a walk-in basis, following all services on these weekends: Febr. 15 & 16; Febr. 22 & 23; March 1 & 2; March 8 & 9.
The Whole Gospel
Sometimes we forget that the Good News of God's saving grace means is not only personal, but beckons us to remember the plight of others.
God's Comfort For the Weary
How do we overcome burnout, weariness and overall malaise in life. Jesus invites us into his relationship of refreshment.
God's Comfort For the Weary
How do we overcome burnout, weariness and overall malaise in life. Jesus invites us into his relationship of refreshment.
What is Lent?
Dinner @ 5pm, followed by service at 6:30pm.
What really is the purpose of Lent?
The Heart of the Matter
Jesus does not want our ritual and routine, he desires our heart and our whole life.
What Is A Servant's Heart?
What does it mean to be both a follower of Jesus and have a servant's heart?
Forgiveness: One of the Greatest Words
Dinner @ 5pm, followed by service at 6:30pm.
We began the season of Lent with Forgiveness and we continue to understand what it means to forgive and to be forgiven.
True Life With Jesus
True life with Jesus reminds us that we are heirs of all that God came to give us.
The Palm/Passion Story
On this Palm Sunday weekend, we remember the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem and how things quickly changed as the week ultimately led Jesus to the cross.