Bethel’s ministries take many forms
…and so many of you have wonderfully engaged in making them a success. We have empowered ministry teams to reach outward as well as inward. Your contributions to these ministries are much appreciated and have demonstrated Christ’s love to our fellow members and our community (locally, nationally, and on a global basis).
While these ministries rely on your tremendous volunteer efforts, in many areas the success of these programs also relies on technology capabilities.
Bethel is blessed with numerous volunteers supporting the technology aspects of our ministries. But we can still use more help in several areas. Below are descriptions of the various technology areas and examples of the types of help that would be appreciated.
Please continue reading, explore these areas, and consider raising your hand to volunteer in one or more areas that pique your interest. Training, support, and mentoring will be provided. While in some areas, experience will be helpful, in most areas no experience is needed.
There are several areas in which we know we need to take steps to improve our technology capabilities. But we also know we don’t always have the needed resources and expertise. Your help will be instrumental in so many ways.
Tell us of an area of your interest and we will make sure to get you involved at whatever level you desire. Read on for more information, send us an email to share your interest at: tech@bethellutheran.net, or click on the “…Tell Us…” button.
Some areas of need include (with assistance from Rooted Software):
Assessing the reliability, standards, connectivity, and growth/expansion needs of the networks
Identifying recommended connectivity changes and upgrades together with projected costs to allow financial planning to implement
Assessing the current security of our networks, recommending and implementing controls to ensure the security is appropriate.
The Technology Team at Bethel is involved in the following areas:
Network Management
Bethel’s networks interconnect our many computers, printers, and phones. These networks provide connectivity amongst these components but also provide our high-speed internet connectivity. A major element of this area is the provision of campus-wide wireless connectivity for both open and restricted services.
These network functions support all aspects of Bethel’s ministries, e.g., Education, Video Streaming of services, etc.
NOTE: Much of the day-to-day management of our systems is accomplished by our selected Managed Services Program (MSP) vendor, Rooted Software.
Office Automation
Computers, printers, fax machines, and phones are examples of items that make up the suite of office automation components. In some areas, we have entered into vendor arrangements to provide support. In other areas, we have little focused support but rely on ad-hoc volunteers or simply ‘figure it out’ as needed.
NOTE: Much of the day-to-day management of our systems is accomplished by our selected Managed Services Program (MSP) vendor, Rooted Software.
We could especially use help in the following areas:
Coordinate, monitor, and periodically assess the status and performance of existing vendor arrangements
Work with the staff to help them best leverage our capabilities
Develop training and documentation describing our office automation capabilities
Bethel leverages the power of social media through our presence on platforms such as FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Display Systems
Numerous areas around the Bethel campus have display systems providing both general information and classroom support.
Lighting Systems
Computer controlled lighting system support numerous activities at Bethel with a special emphasis on our periodic drama productions.
Video Systems
Areas in which we can use your help include:
Video operations for worship services
Projection system content development. Video, PowerPoint, and photography is generally the basis for the video content.
Information display content development. Our entry displays make use of Digital Signage from a global vendor. Each week we update our information displays to reflect current events and ministry focus.
Video support to classroom programs. Much of our staff is now well versed in using the various video systems we have. But we are occasionally asked to assist in configuration, setup, or trouble shooting in support of classroom programs.
Develop training and documentation describing our video operations capabilities.
Much of the video operations at Bethel are focused on support to the projection systems in the sanctuary as well as developing content for our worship services. But in addition, we have video systems that support classroom instruction and ministry programs throughout the building. These include portable projection and playback (DVD) systems, as well as display devices in common areas and classrooms.
Audio Systems
Special needs for audio operations include:
Special Event audio support. Special classes, conferences, and congregational activities often need sound and microphone support.
Develop training and documentation describing our audio operations capabilities.
As with video operations, much of audio operations is accomplished in support of our worship services. The quality of our audio systems during services substantially enhances the worship experience. Both in support of the music systems for services, but also for managing the quality of microphones for our pastor’s messages, audio operations have become a major contributor to sharing the Word.
At times there is also required close cooperation between video and audio operators in ensuring the best possible experience.
But audio operations are also engaged in other areas of the building. Sound systems are present in several classrooms as well as the Faith Forum and Christ Center.
Collaboration Services
Bethel uses Microsoft Teams as our Video Teleconferencing service allowing virtual attendance to team meetings, Bible studies, etc.
NOTE: some aspects of these services are managed by Rooted Software. But other support is needed in ensuring our ministry teams are effectively leveraging collaboration services in their ministry efforts.
Social Media
Websites, SharePoint services, and social media support communications with our members but also provide Bethel an electronic face to the community. The quality and currency of our electronic messages provides an important aspect of sharing the Bethel story, and through Bethel, God's story.
We make use of commercial vendors for website hosting, and, of course, leverage other commercial sources such as Facebook. But we need members to coordinate with our staff in design and creation of content.
Web Services
Areas of support we need include:
Coordinate, monitor, and periodically assess the status and performance of existing vendor arrangements (e.g., our website hosting and content creation vendor)
Development and sustainment of website content
Development and sustainment of Face Book content
Exploration of evolution in web and social media with recommendations developed on how to enhance our electronic messages
In concert with the video and audio operations groups, accomplish recording, editing, and publishing sermon and special event recordings on our website
Develop training and documentation describing our web and internet capabilities.
Will You Help?
If you would be willing to explore supporting one or more of these areas of service to Bethel we would greatly appreciate it. You can contact the tech team at tech@bethellutheran.net.
Please be assured of a few things.
First, your expression of interest in serving Bethel in meeting the technology needs of Bethel is greatly appreciated.
Second, expressing your interest, and exploring in more details what opportunities are available and might be of interest to you, does not commit you to anything.
Third, we've shared a lot of areas in which we'd value your contribution; and it could be easy to think we are looking for someone to do it all. But if you would consider checking out just one or two items and joining us in service to Bethel it would be a wonderful help to our ministries.