Did you know?
Bethel tithes 10% of its planned giving to Outreach ministries and approximately 5% to unplanned giving. Outreach consists of a team of people who pray, guide and assist how best to dedicate Bethel’s time, talent, and resources for local, national, and international needs.
Every member of Bethel Lutheran Church is a member of Bethel’s Outreach Ministry, CALLED TO ACTS OF SERVICE IN JESUS’S NAME.
Our mission is to reach those who are outside the walls of our Church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ by ministering, serving, and giving.
”Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”… Matthew 25:40
Contact US
Phone 719-570-9800
Email serve@bethellutheran.net
Outreach Assisted Mission Programs
All programs meet the following criteria:
It is faith-based
It makes efficient use of its funds (85% of funds go to the program)
It serves a distribution of agencies (Local, National, and International)
It serves organizations from various categories (Health/Welfare, Hunger, Disaster Relief, Education /Spiritual Outreach)
Church members are actively involved
If a mission church, preference is given to regional LCMC
Many are impacted
Bethel has a history with the program/mission
Print an Outreach Funding Request form here.