If you would like to join a group, need more information or want additional assistance in finding a group, we have several ways to do that:
You are an important part of the Bethel family and it would be an honor to help you take the next step in your spiritual journey.
Bethel Worship Service Support
Acolytes: 3rd-8th grade. Light and extinguish candles and carry the cross during services. Training provided.
Adult Choir: Sing weekly from September-May and other special services. Rehearsals Thursday @6:30pm.
Altar Care Team: Prepare the altar area for communion and baptisms. Training provided.
Audio Operator: Operate the sound board during services, concerts or other events as needed.
Cantors: Lead the congregation in singing the liturgy during traditional services.
Clean-up & Straighten Chairs: Restock pew card holders and/or straighten chairs in the sanctuary.
Communion Assistant: Assist with communion element distribution during the service.
Communion Bread Baker: Bake and bring communion bread to church on a rotating basis. (Bread recipe provided).
Greeter: Greet worshippers as they enter the church and direct them to the sanctuary or other area as needed.
Jacob’s Ladder Worship Team: Singers and instrumentalists leading music during the contemporary service. Audition required.
Medical Team: Share medical skills to respond to minor or emergent incidents using Bethel medical equipment. Updates on CPR & AED use available. Help with blood pressure screening.
Nursery Volunteer: Help care for our youngest members once a month during the Sunday morning service.
Scripture Reader: Read scripture lessons during service.
Security Team: Help with security and awareness.
Sunday Morning Coffee Maker: Help make coffee before service on Sunday morning.
Ushers: Welcome, assist in seating, record attendance count, release rows for communion, assist in straightening sanctuary after service.
Video Projection / Web-streaming Operator: Help operate the projection and video systems during the worship services. Training required.
Welcome Center Host: Welcome guests after service at the Welcome Center. Offer them a gift, cookies, coffee and get to know them!
Building and Property
Building and Property Team: Help with repairs and upkeep, and maintain and replenish supplies. Please let us know if you have expertise/ability in any of the following areas:
Asphalt Drywall Heavy Equipment Painting
Carpet Electrical HVAC Plumbing
Concrete Gen Contracting Landscaping Roofing
Columbarium Care: leaning of the area and maintain plants, etc.
Lawn Care/Mowing Team: Care for Bethel’s landscaping.
Snow Removal Team: Keep our parking lot and sidewalks safe during the winter.
Children and Youth
Confirmation Mentor: Develop a relationship with and support our students and their parents.
Kingdom Kids Volunteer: Assist with the leadership of Kingdom Kids (ages 4-12) 9:45-10:45am or 10:45-11:45am.
Vacation Bible School: Help with our annual week-long children’s program in June.
Youth Hour Adult Volunteer: Assist with youth activities on Sundays from 10:45-12:00noon.
Youth Hour ‘Guest Star’: Attend one youth meeting as our guest! Sundays from 10:45-12:00noon.
Youth Ministry Intercessor: Pray daily/weekly for our youth and youth leaders.
Youth School Tutor: Help our students as the need arises by using your knowledge and expertise in math, science, language skills and more.
Inreach Opportunities - Serving Our Church Family
Card/Email Writers: Send notes of encouragement and celebration to our Bethel family.
Christmas Bake Sale: Help bake or sell baked goods for the annual Second Family Ministry fundraiser.
Christmas Decorating Team: Assist in decorating and un-decorating the church before and after the Christmas season.
Church Phone/Office Front Desk Coverage: Take messages, transfer calls, admit visitors, and assist with other Office functions during staff meetings and other times as needed.
College Student Correspondence: Write cards and notes to support our college students.
Food Fellowship Support Team: Join the team that helps setup, cook, serve, and cleans for food centered events, including: after service luncheons, new member dinners, Lenten soup suppers, the pie social after the Thanksgiving Eve service, and more.
Funeral Team: Assist with set-up, clean-up, light food prep, or provide baked goods for funeral receptions.
In-Home Communion Team: Travel to and administer communion to those unable to attend church service.
Library Team: Join the team that keeps our library in order.
New Member Sponsor: Connect with a new member, attend the spaghetti dinner, sit with them at church, and help our new members integrate into church life.
Prayer Team: Pray for those on Bethel’s weekly email prayer list.
Second Family Ministry Team: Confidential support for Bethel members without a support system, to help with everyday living tasks. Serve as: care coordinator, financial assist, meal prep, medical, minor maintenance, visitation or transportation team member.
Stephen Ministry: One on one confidential ministry led by trained, caring lay ministers to those in times of need (i.e., loneliness, illness, hospitalizations, crisis situations, grief, divorce). ** NOTE: a 50-hour training program is required for new Stephen Ministers, with group meetings twice a month for continuing education and support.
Stewardship Team: Join a team to help with annual stewardship drive in the fall.
Outreach Opportunities - Serving Others
Adult Mission Trips: Join the list for those wanting to travel nationally and internationally to perform mission work/assist people in need.
Comfort Makers: Meets the 1st, 3rd, and 5th, Tuesday mornings in the Christ Center at 9:00am. Join us as we make quilts for worldwide distribution through Lutheran World Relief.
Family Promise: Bethel serves as a host church for 2-3 weeks per year to provide support for 3-4 transitional families with children by providing meals and overnight lodging. Serve as an:
Evening Host: Greet guests, din with families, and provide fellowship from 5:30-8:30pm.
Meal Provider: Help cook main course, side dishes, and/or desserts and bring to church.
Overnight Host: Completes meal clean-up, visits with guests and stays overnight at church from 8:30pm to 7:00am.
Setup & Take Down Crew: Prepare guest rooms and assist with cleanup.
Feed My starving Children: Annual event to help pack food to send to people in developing nations.
Fostering Hope: Be part of a team that supports local families who foster children.
Gifts from the Heart: Donate and make items for gift bags and Christmas stockings (i.e., baby gifts for newborns, lunches & toiletries for homeless), recycling stuffed animals for foster children, collecting occasional household items for displaced veterans & new stuffed animals and toiletries for survivors of human trafficking).
Habitat for Humanity / Faith Builds: Work to construct new homes in the Colorado Springs area.
Hope Kids: Help with events that support kids with debilitating illnesses and their families.
Lutheran Family Service:
Backpack and School Supply Drive: Collect and deliver school supplies for Lutheran Family Services.
Foster Care and Safe Angel Trees: Collect gifts for needy foster care and safe care children at Christmas.
Mercy’s Gate: Prepare breakfast & lunch at Bethel once a month for Mercy’s Gate clients and/or serve the meals at Mercy’s Gate.
Operation Christmas Child: Help plan, coordinate, and oversee annual shoebox ministry to send supplies and toys to children overseas.
Outreach Leadership Team: Help manage Bethel’s outreach funds. Attend quarterly meetings and update the group on the programs and needs we support.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Join the team of knitters and crocheters making prayer shawls or lap robes for those in need. Yarn and patterns available.
Stitched with Love: Crochet, knit, or sew items at your leisure (baby afghans, quilts, booties, & layettes, winter scarves, baptismal afghans, etc.) to donate to foster children, pregnancy centers, and newborns.
Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets: Be part of a team to plan, coordinate, and oversee distribution of holiday food baskets.
Technology Team
Audio Systems: Configure, manage and operate audio systems to include sanctuary, assisted listening, and classroom areas.
Collaboration Services: Manage the video and audio-conferencing systems; coordinate support for team needs and scheduling.
Display Systems: Manage the creation and activation of content for the entryway display system.
Lighting Systems: Configure, manage, and operate lighting systems in the sanctuary during special productions.
Network Management: Configure, manage, and monitor wired and wireless network services and Bethel’s internet connectivity.
Office Automation: Manage, in conjunction with vendors, church computers, printers and other office automation systems.
Social Media: Manage and sustain social media content; Facebook, X, Instagram, etc.
Video Systems: Configure, manage, and operate video systems to include sanctuary, streaming, and classrooms.
Web Services: Manage and sustain various web services including Membership, Media production, Office subscriptions, etc.
Website Content Creator: Create engaging content for church website including events calendar, seasonal items, and incorporating recent event photos or videos.
Special Approval / Nominated / Elected Positions
Audit Team: Three year commitment. Perform informal audit of financial activity. Accounting background necessary.
Church Council: Elected by congregation at annual meeting.
Finance Team: Prepare and present annual budget to council, monitor monthly income & expenditures and identify consequences of unplanned expenditures to council and ministry team.
Nominating Team: Recruit and nominate members for council positions. The team is elected at the annual congregation meeting in January.
Personnel Team: Oversee staffing concerns, policies, procedures and job descriptions.
Bethel Church Council Positions
President: Elected leader of the congregation who oversees: Mutual Ministry, Stephen Ministry, and Personnel Team.
Vice President: Assists the council president and oversees: Security Team and Medical Team.
Secretary: Records council meeting minutes and oversees: Technology Team.
Treasurer: Provides guidance in all church financial matters including accounts payable, audits, budget preparation and investments. Oversees: Check Writers, Check Signers, Counters, Endowment Team, Finance Ministry, and Financial Secretary.
Lead Pastor: Oversees: Congregational Life and Social Ministry.
Associate Pastor: Oversees: Adult Education, Second Family Ministry, Seniors, and Shut-in and Home Communications.
Connections Ministry: Oversees: Children’s Ministry, Family Ministry, Young Adults, and Youth Ministry.
At-Large Council Member #1: Oversees: Inreach Ministries and Funeral Team.
At-Large Council Member #2: Oversees: Outreach and Stewardship Ministry.
At-Large Council Member #3: Oversees: Worship and Music, Jacob’s Ladder, and Building and Property.