Bethel Blessings March 1 & 2
ALTAR FLOWERS are provided by Paul & Dee Murphy celebrating their 60th anniversary.
JOINT COUNCIL/TEAM LEADER QUARTERLY MEETING: Tuesday, March 4th 6:30pm in the Library. If you cannot make it, please send someone from your group who can give a report to the meeting.
CHURCH ONLINE PHOTO DIRECTORY: Due to popular demand, we are creating a password protected ONLINE PHOTO DIRECTORY to help us connect and put names to faces. Photos will be taken free of charge, on a walk-in basis, following all services on these weekends: March 1 & 2; March 8 & 9.
LENT AND EASTER WORSHIP SCHEDULE: Ash Wednesday, March 5th Dinner at 5:00pm, Worship at 6:30pm; Wednesday, March 19th Dinner at 5:00pm, Worship at 6:30pm; Wednesday, April 2nd Dinner at 5:00pm, Worship at 6:30pm; Palm Weekend April 12 & 13; Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, April 17 & 18 Holy Week Drama at 6:30pm; Easter Sunday, April 20th Worship at 8:00am & 9:30am, Easter Breakfast from 8:30am – 11:30am, Easter Egg Hunt at 9:15am.
WEBSITE INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Everyone is invited to a meeting regarding Bethel’s website at 9:00am Saturday, March 15th at Bethel. Please RSVP to Tasha so we know how many to prepare for and which room is needed.
1ST COMMUNION INSTRUCTION CLASS: Sunday, March 16th from 10:45am – 12:30pm. See Pastor John or Bethany to register.
HELP NEEDED: Aero Ridge Christian Academy is accepting applications for Teachers for the 2025-2026 school year! For more information, visit
ITEMS LEFT AT CHURCH: If you happen to drop something off at the church for someone else to pick up (maybe recycle bags, or medical equipment, etc.) please let the front office know or leave a note on the items so we can be sure the Janitor crew doesn’t throw it away. Thank you.
NEW MEMBER CLASS: The New Member class will be on Sunday, April 6th OR Sunday, April 13th after the 9:30am service. It will be held in Pastor John’s office. The New Member Spaghetti Dinner will be on Saturday, April 26th at 6:30pm in the Christ Center. On Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th during the service you can be formally received into membership.
YOUTH AND FAMILY EVENT: Sunday, March 30th Youth and Family Bingo after worship in the Youth room, all are invited.
GOSPEL OF JOHN: Pastor Dan is leading a study on the Gospel of John that begins at 10:45am in the Faith Forum.
KINGDOM KIDS: Sunday School for children age 4 through 5th grade will meet downstairs. Children are dismissed from the worship service on Sunday around 9:45am with Bethany.
BETHEL BOOK CLUB: We meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday at 1:00pm in the Library. In March we will meet on Thursday, March 20th. The Book we are reading is “Go As A River” by Shelley Read.
BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP: This is a city-wide women’s bible class that meets here at Bethel at 6:45pm on Monday nights. They are studying the book of Revelation.
BUNCO: This is a game of dice and fellowship. We meet on the first Friday of the month at 7:00pm in the Narthex area.
CONNECTIONS GROUP: This group is targeted to singles and couples in their 60’s (plus or minus). It is a fellowship and discussion group of mutual support, laughter, food, and fun. The next time we meet is Friday, March 14th.
GIFTS FROM THE HEART: We enjoy sharing the love of Christ with others by preparing and donating gifts. Our gift-giving includes: specially prepared baby gifts for newborns at Bethel, recycling stuffed animals for foster children, three different types of gift bags handed out to the homeless, meals for shut-ins or families in distress, and household goods for displaced veterans.
GIRL SCOUTS: We meet every other Thursday at 6:00pm in the Youth Room.
DINING OUT GROUP—Bethel's Dining Out group meets on the 4th Monday of the month.
MEN’S CHALLENGE GROUP: Men, do you want the abundance God came to give you? Do you want joy and peace AND to advance His kingdom? Then come join us. Hear God lead you. Glorify Him. We meet at 11:00am on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at Bethel.
MEN’S MINISTRY BREAKFAST: We meet once a month at 7:45am in the Christ Center. The next time we are getting together is Saturday, March 15th.
MEN’S UP AND ADAM: This men’s group meets at Bethel for Bible Study every Wednesday morning at 6:30am.
MICROBREW CREW: This adult group meets monthly at a local microbrewery.
PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP: This group is for folks interested in photography from novice to experienced.
RUTH BIBLE STUDY: We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 9:30am – 11:00am in the Library.
SENIOR GROUP: We meet once a month for Potluck and other activities. We get together for food, fun, and fellowship. The next time we get together is Friday, March 21st.
STEPHEN MINISTRY: Things just aren’t coming together. You’re still hurting. You still feel like things are falling apart. Our Stephen Minsters are trained caregivers who will walk with you, listen to you, and provide confidential care as you search through the pieces and find what is truly in your heart. To learn more about Stephen Ministry for yourself or someone you know, talk to one of our Pastors. Our Stephen Minsters are ready to care for you.
STITCHED WITH LOVE: This ministry provides an opportunity for you to make and donate crocheted or knitted items for infants and children. These can include white baby afghans (now given to infants at baptisms) or items such as layettes, booties, quilts, stuffed animals, etc. We also make a variety of handmade items throughout the year for donation to foster children through Cases of Love, infants through Life Network, winter scarves for the homeless, etc.
VARIETY DANCE: Variety Dance meets each Saturday afternoon in the Christ Center. The 2:30pm class is led by Gloria Pascua and the 4:00pm class is led by Sharon Oldfield.
WEB (Women Exploring the Bible: We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 9:00am -11:00am in the Library.
WEST (WOMEN EARNESTLY SEEKING TRUTH) BIBLE STUDY: We meet Wednesdays in the Library from 10:30am - 12:00noon.