Bethel Blessings Dec. 28 & 29
ALL CHURCH BREAKFAST: Sunday, December 29th come enjoy breakfast together starting after worship.
UNDECORATING: Please come help un-decorate the church on Saturday, January 4th at 9:00am.
ALTAR FLOWERS NEEDED FOR 2025: Please contact the front office if you can provide Altar flowers on the following dates: Jan. 11 & 12; Jan 18 & 19; Feb 1 & 2; Feb 22 & 23.
YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY EVENT: Sunday, January 12th come enjoy bowling/pizza/arcade and fun. It is only $5.00 per person from 11:30am – 1:30pm. Located at 1180 Interquest Parkway. We need your reservation and payment by Sunday, January 5th.
ANNUAL MEETING: Mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26th after worship in the Christ Center. We will hear from different Ministry Leaders and go over the budget for 2025.
JOIN THE CHOIR: We can always use a few more beautiful voices in the choir. Rehearsals will start on January 9th at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. Hope to see you there!
MARRIAGE ON THE ROCK BIBLE CLASS: We will be meeting on January 5th & January 19th in the Library at 10:45am.
STEPHEN MINISTRY: Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative who is going through a difficult time? Here’s a great way you can help them—tell them about our Stephen Ministry! Stephen Ministers are members of Bethel who have received special training to provide high quality, confidential, one-to-one, Christian care too people who are grieving the loss of a loved one, coping with medical issues, going through a divorce, experiencing great deal of stress, etc. Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care receivers to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. The caring relationship lasts for as long as the person needs care. It’s free, and it’s a powerful way you can help a hurting friend. To learn how to connect someone you know with a Stephen Minster, talk with one of our Pastors.