Bethel Blessings Dec 21 & 22

CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP: Come celebrate our Savior’s birth with a candlelight service on Tuesday, December 24th at either 4:00pm or 6:00pm.


CONNECTIONS GROUP: This group is targeted at singles and couples in their 60’s (plus or minus). It is a fellowship and discussion group of mutual support, laughter, food, and fun. The next time we meet is Friday, December 20th at 6:30pm.


BETHEL YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY (6th grade – 12th grade): Sunday, December 22nd from 10:45am – 12:00noon. Bring a snack to share, wear your favorite pajamas, and bring a white elephant gift ($10.00 value limit). Bring your friends.


ALL CHURCH BREAKFAST: Sunday, December 29th come enjoy breakfast together starting after worship.


UNDECORATING: Please come help un-decorate the church on Saturday, January 4th at 9:00am.


ALTAR FLOWERS NEEDED FOR 2025: Please contact the front office if you can provide Altar flowers on the following dates: Jan. 11 & 12; Jan 18 & 19; Feb 1 & 2; Feb 22 & 23.


STEPHEN MINISTRY: Do  you have a friend, relative or co-worker who has been struggling with the loss of a loved one, cancer, a layoff, divorce, single parenthood, or any countless other life challenges? Our Stephen Ministers can provide them with the focused care, encouragement and support they need to make it through the crisis. If you know of someone who is hurting, talk with one of our Pastors. They can connect the person you know with one of our Stephen Ministers. It’s a great way for you to show how much you care!



Bethel Blessings Dec. 28 & 29


Bethel Blessings Dec. 14 & 15