Bethel Blessings March 31



STEPHEN MINISTRY: Does the Joy of Easter Seem Far Away? For those who have suffered a loss or who are going through a difficult time, Easter can be a time of painful loneliness and emptiness. If you are smiling on the outside, but full of pain on the inside and the joy of Easter seems far away, help is available. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide confidential, one-to-one, Christian care. They will listen, care, encourage, and pray with and for you. Stephen Ministers have been specially trained to meet your emotional and spiritual needs; male Stephen Ministers are always matched with men, and female Stephen Ministers are matched with women. If you or someone you know is hurting, find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Pastors. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!


LENTEN OFFERINGS: Our Lenten offerings for this year will go towards two outreach ministries: 1) The city-wide Feed My Starving Food Packing Event that Bethel will be hosting again this year in August. The meals packed go overseas to various countries in need, including Ukraine. 2) One Child Honduras child sponsorship and Child Hope Center projects. Bethel sponsors 50+ children and we also help to sponsor some critical infrastructure projects at the Child Hope Centers. We will be accepting these donations through the weekend of April 7.


**On another note, we have collected over 250 eyeglasses that we will be shipping to the One Child Hope Center in Cambodia.




CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL (Ages 4 thru 5th grade): Come learn where you can experience God’s greatest gifts. We start at 10:30am in the Christ Center.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: June 10-14 Bethel will be having VBS from 9:00am – 12:00pm for Kindergarten through 5th grade kids. The theme is “Scuba Diving Into Friendship With God”.


CONFIRMATION (All 7th thru 9th graders): Come join Pastor John in a faith building journey at 10:30am downstairs off the Christ Center. We will be meeting on April 7th & 21st.


YOUTH GROUP (Grade 6th – 12th): After this busy weekend of serving Easter breakfast, we will meet again at 5:00pm on Sunday, April 7th and Sunday, April 14th. On the 14th bring your laptop or device for PowerPoint Night.


ADULT BIBLE CLASS: Located in the Faith Forum where Pastor Dan will be teaching the “Bethel Bible Series” at 10:30am.



BOOK CLUB:  We will be meeting once a month on the 3rd Thursday at 1:00pm in the Library. The book for April will be “The House Is On Fire” by Rachel Beanland.


BUNCO: If you can roll dice and count, you can play! All are welcome. We meet next on Friday, April 5th at 7:00pm.


CHALLENGE GROUP: Men, we can expect God to fulfill His desire for us to have abundance. We can be joyful more often and bring peace to the various aspects of our lives. If you want this for yourself, then please join other men traveling His way. We will NOT meet on Saturday, March 30th for the Easter Weekend. We will meet again on Saturday, April 6th at 11:00am in the Library. You are more than welcome to join this group that is just getting off the ground. We are a group of guys walking together aiming to glorify God in every aspect of our lives.


COMFORT MAKERS: Bethel's quilting group meets on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday of each month from 9:00am – noon in the Christ Center.


CONNECTIONS GROUP: This group is targeted at singles and couples in their 50’s and 60’s plus. It is a fellowship and discussion group of mutual support, laughter, food, and fun. The next time we get together is Friday, April 19th at 6:30pm.


GIRL SCOUTS: We meet every other Thursday at 6:00pm in the Youth Room.


DINING OUT GROUP:  We meet on the 4th (last) Monday of the month.


MICROBREW CREW GROUP: This adult group meets monthly at a local microbrewery. The April meeting will be on Monday, the 8th at 6:00pm at Lost Friends Brewery. The address is 2458 Montebello Square Drive, 80918.


PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP: This group is for folks interested in photography from the novice to experienced.


PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: If you enjoy knitting or crocheting and are interested in creating Prayer Shawls or Lap Robes for those that are home bound, this is the group for you. Yarn is available in the Narthex.


VARIETY DANCE: Variety Dance meets each Saturday afternoon in the Christ Center.




Men’s Up & Adam Group: This men’s group meets at Bethel for Bible Study every Wednesday morning at 6:30am. 

Ruth Bible Study: We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 9:30am - 11:00am in the Library. The Bible Study is by John MacArthur, “Philippians – Christ the Source of Joy and Strength”. We would love to have you join us.


WEST (Women Earnestly Seeking Truth):  We meet Wednesdays in the Library from 10:30am to noon. We are currently discussing “Women Who Believed God”, a study that looks at the ancient women of the bible whose lives bear striking similarities to our own today.  


WEB (Women Exploring the Bible):  We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 9:00am to 11:00am in Bethel’s Library. We are discussing “Guidance and God’s Will, Trusting God to Lead” by Tom and Joan Stark.


Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Evening Women’s Class: We meet at 6:00pm on Mondays, and we are studying the Gospel of John. This is a Women and children ONLY group. The theme is “Making Jesus Known”.



Bethel Blessings April 6 & 7


Bethel Blessings March 23 & 24