Bethel Blessings Dec. 7 & 8

OLIVE WOOD FROM BETHLEHEM IS HERE, THIS WEEKEND ONLY!: There is a table in the Narthex with pieces you can purchase and each piece of wood carving has a story to tell by its designer. Your purchase of a hand-crafted olive wood item provides for 46 Christian families in and around Bethlehem to work. The carvings are made from cut olive wood branches.


LUTHERAN FAMILY SERVICES: Angel Tree Gifts should be returned to the church UNWRAPPED with the tag attached. Donations of gift wrap and bags are welcome. The deadline is Sunday, December 8th. Thank you for making a difference in the life of a child!


MERCY’S GATE: The Angel Tree is up offering gift ideas for children in need from Mercy’s Gate families and we have a few more ornaments left.  If you feel led to give, simply take a name from the tree, complete the signup sheet, place your gift in a Christmas gift bag, and return it to Bethel before December 11th. These gifts will be paired with Christmas Meal Baskets, which will be distributed on Saturday, December 14th, from 8:30am to 10:30am.  We still need eight (8) grocery gift cards to complete the Christmas Meal Baskets. If you’d like to help, please drop your gift card off at the church office.  Join us on December 14th to share in the joy of giving and experience the true spirit of the season! 


BETHEL CHOIR CANTATA: Saturday, December 14th at 5:30pm & Sunday, December 15th 9:30am.


NEW MEMBER CLASS: New Member Joining weekend will be on Saturday and Sunday, December 14 & 15. The New Member Spaghetti Dinner will be on Sat., Dec. 14th at 6:30pm.


2nd FAMILY MINISTRY BAKE SALE: Sat. & Sun., Dec. 14th & 15th before, during and after worship services. Bakers are needed for the Bake Sale! You can bring assorted cookies on Saturday, December 14th to the Faith Forum at 10:00am. You can stay to help plate cookies or just drop off. If you can’t come Saturday, you can leave your cookies for the assortment plates during the week and put them in the upstairs kitchen counter or refrigerator. Please mark “Bake Sale”. You can also bring cookies, bars, candy, breads, etc. on Saturday or Sunday before worship services. Please package your items ready to sell.

LITTLE LONDON WINDS CONCERT: Sunday, December 15th at 7:00pm


BETHEL YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY (6th grade – 12th grade): Sunday, December 22nd from 10:45am – 12:00noon. Bring a snack to share, wear your favorite pajamas, and bring a white elephant gift ($15.00 value limit). Bring your friends.


CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP: Come celebrate our Savior’s birth with a candlelight service on Tuesday, December 24th at either 4:00pm or 6:00pm.


ALL CHURCH BREAKFAST: Sunday, December 29th come enjoy breakfast together starting after worship.



+Pastor John is teaching a Marriage class “Marriage on the Rock” that starts at 10:45am in the Library, they are meeting on December 15th, January 5th & January 19th. Come learn about God’s design for your dream marriage.

+Pastor Dan is leading a study on the Gospel of John that begins at 10:45am in the Faith Forum.


BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP: This is a city-wide women’s bible class that meets here at Bethel at 6:45pm on Monday nights. They are studying the book of Revelation.


MEN’S UP AND ADAM: This men’s group meets at Bethel for Bible Study every Wednesday morning at 6:30am. 

RUTH BIBLE STUDY: We are studying Max Lucado’s book “Life Lessons from Daniel and Esther.” We would love to have you join us! We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 9:30am – 11:00am in the Library.


WEST (WOMEN EARNESTLY SEEKING TRUTH) BIBLE STUDY: We meet Wednesdays in the Library from 10:30am - 12:00noon. We are discussing “I Am: Discovering Who Jesus Is.”


WEB (Women Exploring the Bible):  We are discussing the study “Unveiling Mary Magdalene” by Liz Curtis Higgs. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 9:00am -11:00am in the Library.




BETHEL BOOK CLUB: We meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday at 1:00pm in the Library. In December we will meet on Thursday, December 19th. The Book we are reading is “A Redbird Christmas” by Fannie Flagg.

BUNCO: We meet in the Narthex on the first Friday of the month at 7:00pm (Friday, December 6th). It’s a game of dice and all are welcome.


COMFORT MAKERS: Bethel's quilting group meets on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday of each month from 9:00am – noon in the Christ Center.


CONNECTIONS GROUP: This group is targeted to singles and couples in their 60’s (plus or minus). It is a fellowship and discussion group of mutual support, laughter, food, and fun. The next time we meet is Friday, December 20th at 6:30pm.


GIFTS FROM THE HEART: We enjoy sharing the love of Christ with others by preparing and donating gifts. Our gift-giving includes: specially prepared baby gifts for newborns at Bethel, recycling stuffed animals for foster children, three different types of gift bags handed out to the homeless, meals for shut-ins or families in distress, and household goods for displaced veterans.


GIRL SCOUTS: We meet every other Thursday at 6:00pm in the Youth Room.


DINING OUT GROUP:  We meet on the 4th  Monday of the month.

MEN’S CHALLENGE GROUP: Men, do you want the abundance God came to give you? Do you want joy and peace AND to advance His kingdom? Then come join us. Hear God lead you. Glorify Him. We meet at 11:00am on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at Bethel.


PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP: This group is for folks interested in photography from novice to experienced.


STITCHED WITH LOVE: This ministry provides an opportunity for you to make and donate crocheted or knitted items for infants and children. These can include white baby afghans (now given to infants at baptisms) or items such as layettes, booties, quilts, stuffed animals, etc. We also make a variety of handmade items throughout the year for donation to foster children through Cases of Love, infants through Life Network, winter scarves for the homeless, etc.


STEPHEN MINISTRY: We all go through times in our life when we could benefit from a little extra care and attention. That’s what Stephen Ministers are for. Stephen Ministers are members of Bethel who have been trained to provide confidential, one-to-one, Christian care to people who are going through a difficult time. They will listen, care, encourage, pray with and for you and provide weekly support for you as long as your need persists. If you would like to find out more about Stephen Ministry for yourself or someone you know, talk with one of our Pastors.


VARIETY DANCE: Variety Dance meets each Saturday afternoon in the Christ Center. The 2:30pm class is led by Gloria Pascua and the 4:00pm class is led by Sharon Oldfield.


Bethel Blessings Dec. 14 & 15


Bethel Blessings Nov 30 & Dec 1