Bethel Blessings November 23 & 24

ALL CHURCH FOOD & FELLOWSHIP in the Donut Area Sunday, December 1st 10:30am. We are asking everyone to sign up to bring a pastry, fruit or egg dish, look for an email from the office.


MERCY’S GATE HOLIDAY MEAL BASKETS: Thank you to everyone who donated a grocery bag of food and a grocery gift card for non-perishable items! We currently are eight (8) gift cards short.  If you have not handed in your gift card donation or feel you want to contribute to the gift card shortage, please bring your contributions to the Bethel Church Office as soon as possible.  Distribution of the Thanksgiving Meal Baskets will be Saturday, November 23, from 8:30am to 10:30am in the Narthex.   We will provide a continental breakfast and share fellowship with the families picking up their baskets. Many of the families express deep gratitude, not just for the meal but for the kindness and hope your generosity brings. Witnessing their joy is heartwarming.  So come join us this Saturday and fill yourself with some holiday spirit.

LUTHERAN FAMILY SERVICES: Christmas is quickly approaching. Are you looking to brighten up a child’s holiday? Lutheran Family Services Foster and Safe Care Angel Tree gift tags are available in the Narthex. Look for the table with the small Christmas tree to choose a child’s name. Gifts should be returned to the church UNWRAPPED with the tag attached. Donations of gift wrap and bags are welcome. The deadline is Sunday, December 8th. Thank you for making a difference in the life of a child!


NEW MEMBER CLASS: If you would like to learn more about Bethel and would like to become a member, Pastor John will be having a class on Sunday, December 1st. New Member Joining weekend will be on Saturday and Sunday, December 14 & 15. The New Member Spaghetti Dinner will be on Sat., Dec. 14th at 6:30pm.


CONNECTIONS GROUP: This group is targeted to singles and couples in their 60’s (plus or minus). It is a fellowship and discussion group of mutual support, laughter, food and fun. The next time we meet is Friday, December 20th at 6:30pm.


THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP & PIE SOCIAL: Join us on Wednesday, November 27th at 6:30pm for our Thanksgiving Worship and Pie Social. Pies are needed! Please bring pies that evening and put them on the carts in the Welcome Center BEFORE the service.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO DECORATE THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS: Saturday, November 30th starting at 9:00am.


DISHWASHER APPLIANCE NEEDED: We have a family in need of a dishwasher.  If you are replacing your still working dishwasher and willing to donate it, we have a Bethel family in need of it. 

WINTER CLOTHING DONATION CAMPAIGN: The Bethel Senior group is sponsoring a campaign to help those without adequate clothing and shelter during the cold winter months by collecting donations of winter gear (Tarps, blankets, sleeping bags, winter coats, stocking hats, wool socks, mittens, gloves, etc.).  Donation boxes will be in the Narthex through December 1st.  Thank you for your generosity.


EYEGLASSES FOR CAMBODIA: Bethel is sending an Outreach Christmas Package of prescription eyeglasses to Cambodia. We did this a few months ago and it was a HUGE success to the Cambodia kids and families. If you or your friends and neighbors have old, unused eyeglasses to donate, please bring them to the Bethel office by December 1st.


2025 FLOWER CHART NOW AVAILABLE: If you would like to provide flowers for Bethel’s Altar for next year. Please sign up on the flower chart hanging on the wall in a frame outside of the Sanctuary above the credenza.


STEPHEN MINISTRY: You can play an important role in our Stephen Ministry! You may know of a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or relative who is going through a difficult time and who could benefit from the focused care, encouragement, and support of a Stephen Minister. If you know of someone who is hurting, talk with one of our Pastors. They can talk with you about how we can connect the person you know with one of our Stephen Ministers. It’s a great way for you to show how much you care!



Thanksgiving Worship & Pie Social Wednesday, November 27th 6:30pm

Church Christmas Decorating Saturday, November 30th 9:00am

Children’s Christmas Production Sat. & Sun., December 7th & 8th

Bethel Choir Cantata Sat. & Sun., December 14th & 15th

Little London Winds Concert Sunday, December 15th 7:00pm

2nd Family Ministry Bake Sale Sat. & Sun., Dec. 14th & 15th after worship services

Christmas Eve Worship Tuesday, December 24th at 4:00pm & 6:00pm


Bethel Blessings Nov 30 & Dec 1


Bethel Blessings November 16 & 17